International Meeting for Autism Research: A Family of Origin Scale in Mothers of Children with ASD

A Family of Origin Scale in Mothers of Children with ASD

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Franklin Hall B Level 4 (Philadelphia Marriott Downtown)
1:00 PM
P. Gorczyca , Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Silesia, Tarnowskie G�ry, Poland
A. Kapinos-Gorczyca , Daily Psychiatric Ward for Children and Adolescents, NZOZ FENIKS, Gliwice, Poland
M. Kapinos , Psychiatric Hospital of Rybnik, Rybnik, Poland
J. Sobis , Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Silesia, Tarnowskie G�ry, Poland
A. Leksowska , Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Silesia, Tarnowskie G�ry, Poland
R. T. Hese , Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Silesia, Tarnowskie G�ry, Poland
Background: The influence of the family of origin is often described in the aetiology of different psychiatric disorders. The majority of papers concerning the families of autistic children concentrate on theirs quality of life.

Objectives: To compare the experiences from the family of origin of mothers of children with ASD and mothers with healthy children.

Methods: In our study a Family of Origin Scale (FOS) by Hovestadt et al. was used. This scale consists of 10 constructs: clarity of expression, responsibility, respect for others, openness to others, acceptance of separation/loss, range of feelings, mood and tone, conflict resolution, empathy, trust. It was a pilot study. The examined group consisted of 9 mothers of children with ASD, the control group - 7 mothers of healthy children.

Results: Both group differed in a statistically significant way as for the construct called responsibility.

Conclusions: Our research was a pilot study and it requires further investigations.

See more of: Clinical Phenotype
See more of: Autism Symptoms