Interventions Pharmacologic

Saturday, May 14, 2016: 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
Hall A (Baltimore Convention Center)
11:30 AM
230 Brief Outcomes in Autism Tool (BOAT): Use of a Novel Outcomes Tool to Improve Medication Management in Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders
E. Pedapati R. Shaffer E. Fox L. K. Wink R. Ittenbach J. S. Anixt M. Sorter I. A. Badran C. Erickson
11:30 AM
232 Medication Knowledge, Attitudes, and Readiness for Transition to Healthcare Self-Management in ASD
L. B. Silverman K. M. Brown M. A. Steingraeber J. Aldrich T. Smith D. Harris L. P. Shone