Objectives: The validation of a clinical scale covering the full range of repetitive, restricted and stereotyped activities observed in autism spectrum disorders.
Methods: A checklist comprising 35 items dealing about RRB is used. Each item is scored on a five-point scale, from "never expressed" to "severely expressed and very characteristic of the person". Reliability and validity studies were performed on a sample consisting of more than 100 children, adolescents and young adults with autism or pervasive developmental disorders. These studies involved the participation of 15 centers.
Results: The scale has good inter-rater reliability and internal consistency. Content validity study, using principal component analysis, allowed the identification of 6 relevant main dimensions of RRB, i.e. "insistence on sameness", "sensory stereotypies", "motor stereotypies", "modulation of temper", "self-focused behaviours", and "vocal stereotypies".
Conclusions: The scale shows good psychometric properties and confirms the heterogeneity of RRB in autism spectrum disorders. The description of clusters of RRB helps identification of more homogeneous subgroups of patients, possibly related to different psychopathological or physiopathological underlying factors.