Homoeopathic therapeutic system treats the autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) children according to symptomatology. Disease labels are not generally used in homeopathic remedial methodologies. Important characteristic symptoms exhibited by individual disorder forms the basis and plays decisive role in selecting homoeopathic medicines and remedial regimen
To evaluate the efficacy of Homeopathy in Autism Spectrum Disorder. To develop a proper homeopathic therapeutic regimen for autisitc children.
Methods: 30 autistic children (Age group: 4 to 14 yrs ) were identified on the basis of severity of symptoms, Psychological assessment (DSM IV criteria and CARS and IQ/SQ analysis) and other Patho-physiological criteria. After medical, clinical assessments and recording of case histories the subjects were divided into two groups on basis of homeopathic regimen administered to them : Group A: Classical Homoeopathic Medicinal Treatment Group B: Multi-drug / Frequent repetition of Homoeopathic medicine. All the cases were then individualized, evaluated, analyzed in detail and repertorized to arrive at the Similimum.
Results: The homeopathy regimen was started on 17 subjects. Remaining 13 are still undergoing preliminary assessments. Preliminary results showed significant improvement in 7 subjects in respect to their cognitive functions, hyperactivity, nervous agitation, attention span, obeying of verbal and non-verbal commands and increase in general, social and environmental awareness. In 7 cases moderate improvement was observed and rest 5 were reassessed for those showing partial / or non-improvement. Preliminary results are showing definite and significant effect of Homoeopathy in the treatment of ASD and their improvement and progress may help in finding out a novel method of curative remedial system. Detailed results of this study will be presented and discussed after the rigorous evaluations of parameters and important and significant conclusions can be drawn.
Some cases showed scepticism in the mode of treatment as it requires a long-term treatment plan. Study is still in progress.