Objectives: In accord with the Polyvagal Theory, we predicted higher RSA would be associated with increased joint attention and higher cognitive functioning, as measured by receptive vocabulary scores on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III).
Methods: Data were collected from 23 children (18 boys, 5 girls), aged 4 years 3 months to 7 years 9 months (M = 5.72, SD = 1.17) with prior diagnoses of Autistic Disorder (n = 12), Asperger’s Syndrome (n = 10), or Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (n = 1). Heart period (HP) data were edited with CardioEdit and CardioBatch (Brain-Body Center, University of Illinois at Chicago; Porges, 1985). Data were analyzed to generate measures of RSA as a functional index of the myelinated vagus. Participants were administered the PPVT-III. After, baseline HP data (i.e., for the RSA analyses) were collected during a neutral 3-minute video with the LifeShirt® heart monitor. Then, children engaged in 10 minutes of structured play tasks, using the Social Interaction Coding Scale (SICS; Bazhenova, 2006). Frequency of joint attention was coded from the SICS.
Results: Higher RSA was significantly correlated with higher cognitive functioning (r = .44, p = .04) and increased joint attention (r = .48, p = .03). HP, however, did not show significant relationships with these measures (cognitive functioning: r = .36, p = .09; joint attention: r = .17, p = .47).
Conclusions: Higher RSA was related to better social and cognitive functioning as assessed by increased joint attention and higher receptive vocabulary skills, but HP was not. This suggests that RSA, as an index of myelinated vagus activity and the functional competence of the Social Engagement Systems, provides a unique neurophysiological portal into social and cognitive functioning. The results provide further evidence that vagal regulation of the heart is a marker for positive social and cognitive functioning in children with ASD.
See more of: Neurophysiology
See more of: Brain Structure & Function