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Treatments: Medical and Behavioral Trials and Mechanisms

This session presents novel behavioral and medication trials with emphasis on mechanisms.
Saturday, 4 May 2013: 14:00-16:00
Chamber Hall (Kursaal Centre)
Effects of a Targeted Face-Processing Intervention On Visual Attention to Naturalistic Social Scenes
P. Lewis J. M. Moriuchi C. Klaiman J. Wolf L. Herlihy W. Jones A. Klin J. W. Tanaka R. T. Schultz
A Psychosexual Training Program for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); The First Effects of the Tackling Teenage Training
K. Visser L. P. Dekker E. van der Vegt F. Boudesteijn F. C. Verhulst A. Maras K. Greaves-Lord
Methylphenidate Effects On Hyperactivity in ASD Are Moderated by Monoaminergic Gene Variants
J. T. McCracken M. G. Aman L. Scahill L. E. Arnold C. McDougle B. Vitiello E. L. Nurmi
Psychotropic Drug Use and CAM in ASD: Prevalence and Correlates in the Ohsu ATN Site
K. Senn J. B. Roullet L. Voltolina D. A. Fair A. D. Hagen J. Nigg L. Huang-Storms E. Fombonne
An Internet-Based Randomized Controlled Trial of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Hyperactivity in Children with ASD
S. Bent R. L. Hendren T. Zandi J. K. Law F. Widjaja J. E. Choi J. Nestle P. A. Law
Extended Oxytocin Treatment of Children with Autistic Disorder
L. Sikich T. C. Bethea C. O. Alderman L. Hazzard C. A. Pedersen N. E. Connelly S. G. Gregory J. L. Johnson