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Approaching Adulthood: Transitional and Vocational Issues

Aims (1) To identify gaps and opportunities for transitional and vocational research in ASD (2) To facilitate networking for research priority planning/development. Widespread un-/under-employment is reflected in low employment rates for persons with ASD. In a population-based ASD sample, fewer than half of participants were in paid employment or post-secondary education two years post-high school. Workplace and community barriers are reported. Evidence-informed transitional and vocational supports are lacking, with insufficient evidence guiding practice. To set the context, this SIG session will comprise initial, brief literature syntheses by SIG team members outlining (i) ASD transitional/vocational literature gaps, and (ii) promising practices based on emerging evidence. Facilitated small group discussion will then target salient issues: transition preparation, vocational support resource development/testing, employer needs, and post-secondary education access/success. For each issue, the following questions will guide discussion (facilitated by a moderator, time-keeper and note-taker): (i) research priorities, (ii) steps for moving forward, (iii) strategies to engage stakeholders, and (iv) tasks for research mobilization beyond IMFAR. Lastly, reports back to the larger group will reflect each small group’s discussion, including commitment/plans for further work. We will seek to include self-advocates and employers in the session and research in moving forward.
Saturday, 4 May 2013: 07:30-09:00
Meeting Room 1-2 (Kursaal Centre)
Session Chairs:
D. Nicholas and L. Zwaigenbaum