Predictive Validity of the MCHAT-R in a Clinical Sample

Friday, May 12, 2017: 12:00 PM-1:40 PM
Golden Gate Ballroom (Marriott Marquis Hotel)
N. A. Broderick1, R. Brewster2, H. Dyer2, M. Santulli2 and A. Vehorn3, (1)Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Nashville, TN, (2)Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center/Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Nashville, TN, (3)Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

Extant literature upholds the importance of early, intensive intervention in maximizing positive outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD; Sullivan, Stone, and Dawson, 2014; Warren et al., 2011). Research suggests that the most efficacious interventions for children with ASD start as early as risk is identified and persist during early childhood (Wallace & Rogers, 2010). Individuals with risk markers for ASD must be identified as soon as possible to initiate services. The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised with Follow-Up (MCHAT-R/F) has demonstrated reliability and validity, as well as improved utility over the original MCHAT, in detecting ASD in low-risk toddlers (Robins, et al., 2014). MCHAT-R/F was designed to facilitate reduced age of diagnosis and commencement of early intervention.


The current research examines diagnostic agreement between the MCHAT-R and clinical diagnosis in clinical sample to further investigate validity of this instrument.


Data was collected from young children (n=201; 33 = female, 168 male; and mean age= 28.69 months) who visited a hospital-based early diagnostic screening clinic regarding autism spectrum disorder-related concerns (9/1/2015- 9/1/2016). These patients participated in a full battery of testing, including diagnostic interview, MCHAT-R/F, ADOS-2, Mullen, and Vineland-II. The battery did not incorporate the MCHAT-R/F follow-up questions as clinicians conducted thorough clinical interviews with caregiver(s). All clinicians (n=6) were licensed clinical psychologists who have demonstrated research reliability regarding the ADOS-2.

Diagnostic outcomes included 133 diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 68 diagnoses of No ASD. In order to examine diagnostic agreement, we calculated the M-CHAT-R sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) compared to clinical diagnostic decision. A 2x2 table was constructed based on the presence and absence of ASD as well as low risk (≤2) and medium-to-high risk scores (≥3) on the MCHAT-R.


With the current sample, MCHAT-R sensitivity was 86.46%, specificity was 32.35%, PPV was 70.7%, and NPV was 50%. Therefore, the probability of the MCHAT-R correctly identifying individuals with ASD was 86.56% and correctly identifying individuals with No ASD is 32.35%. With this sample, the probability of ASD with a positive MCHAT-R screen is 70.70% and the probability of no ASDwith a negative MCHAT-R screen is 50%.


Based on the current clinical sample of young children with red flags for ASD, the MCHAT-R demonstrates greater sensitivity than specificity and greater PPV rather than NPV. This suggests that the MCHAT-R often captures individuals with developmental concerns, including ASD; however, it indicates that a low risk score on the MCHAT-R may not be sufficient to rule-out an ASD diagnosis. Results from our sample suggest that the M-CHAT-R continues to be helpful in identifying broader developmental concerns in addition to ASD-related vulnerabilities. These results also highlight the importance of post-screening evaluation for differential diagnosis, particularly with complex presentations of developmental concerns. The present data supports further investigation regarding what factors might influence MCHAT-R scores/reporting to inform clinical practice.