Good Practices in Youth Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Program to Improve the Social Skills

Saturday, May 13, 2017: 12:00 PM-1:40 PM
Golden Gate Ballroom (Marriott Marquis Hotel)
M. Robles1, C. Francesc2, X. Fortuny1 and J. P. Cruells3, (1)CERAC, La Garriga, Spain, (2)FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA CONGOST-AUTISME, la Garriga (Barcelona), SPAIN, (3)CERAC, LA GARRIGA, SPAIN

People with ASD have persistent deficits in communication and social interaction in different contexts and patterns of behavior, interests and activities restricted and stereotyped (DSM-V, 2013). Studies such as Theory of Mind (Baron - Cohen, 1985) show that people with ASD and other disorders have difficulty inferring mental states of other people affecting their abilities and social skills.

Objectives:  People with autism need to learn these skills explicitly make a detailed study and fragmented social relationships because their inability to "read the mind" prevents them from understanding the behavior of others. To respond to these difficulties, implemented an intervention project to work and improve emotional and social skills of adolescents with ASD or low emotional and social skills


Sample: Five young people with ASD or other disruptions in the area of social and emotional development between 17-21 years.

Methodology: The project begins with a study of the needs of young people with difficulties in marked areas and socio-emotional. From there, you design a program of social skills with a previous emotional education enough in learning theory and principles of cognitive therapy - behavior.

Duration: months November to April with a two-hour weekly session.

Evaluation: interview, observation, teens-2, WAIS-IV, Vineland, assessment scales of HHSS. Re-test.

Results: the social skills of the sample improved


The social skills training improve the skills of these people with ASD.