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Treatments: Psychopharmacological, Biomedical, Complementary and Technologically Based Interventions

This session includes papers related to the following interventions: psychopharmacological, biomedical, complementay and technology mediated
Saturday, 4 May 2013: 09:00-13:00
Banquet Hall (Kursaal Centre)
101 A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Course of Oxytocin Nasal Spray to Treat Youth with Autism
A. J. Guastella S. L. Einfeld K. M. Gray N. Rinehart B. J. Tonge I. B. Hickie G. Alvares C. Keating C. Cacciotti
104 Pharmacoterapy in Autism: A Prospective One-Year Study with Risperidone
J. Almeida S. Mouga C. Marques F. Caramelo J. M. Pereira A. M. Vicente F. Duque G. Oliveira
Laasdai: Loxapine Add-On for Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Aggression and Irritability (Withdrawn)
J. A. Hellings J. Han G. Reed S. Cain F. Barth M. Logan J. Hayes M. Butler
109 Biomarkers of Change in Social Impairment and Aberrant Behaviors Among Children with Autism
S. L. Logan L. A. Carpenter L. B. King C. A. Cheely J. Charles W. Jenner I. Singh J. S. Nicholas
110 Dietary Patterns Among Children with Autism in Oman: A Study Protocol
N. M. Al-Kindi M. Al-Shafaee M. I. Waly M. M. Al-Sharbati A. Ouhtit M. M. Al-Khaduri S. Al-Adawi Y. M. Al-Farsi
115 Impact of Dog Assisted Therapy On Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
R. Maxim M. W. Baig D. Zand A. C. Vercellone R. Grimmer M. Bultas H. Matsuo
116 Behavioral and Physiological Changes Due to the Effects of Ambient Prism Lenses and Visuo-Motor Exercises in Autism
B. A. Dombroski M. Kaplan B. Kotsamanidis S. M. Edelson G. Sokhadze E. M. Sokhadze M. F. Casanova
117 Vision Testing of Children and Adolescents with ASD: What Are We Missing?
R. A. Coulter Y. Tea A. Bade G. Fecho D. Amster E. C. Jenewein J. Rodena K. K. Lyons G. L. Mitchell N. Quint S. Dunbar M. Ricamato J. Trocchio B. H. Kabat C. Garcia I. Radik
121 The Use of Humanoid Robots As Co-Therapists in ABA Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
J. J. Diehl C. R. Crowell M. Villano K. G. Wier K. Tang M. Van Ness J. Flores T. Freeman E. A. Klinepeter S. Matthews S. L. Mazur N. M. Shea
122 Click-East: Evaluating the Impact of an Ipad App On Social Communicative Abilities in Young Children with Autism
S. Fletcher-Watson S. Hammond A. O'Hare H. Pain A. M. Petrou H. McConachie