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Treatments: Early Intervention Trials

This session includes trials investigating a range of early intervention methodologies.
Friday, 3 May 2013: 09:00-13:00
Banquet Hall (Kursaal Centre)
20 Development and Evaluation of the Frankfurt Early Intervention Program
C. M. Freitag K. Teufel J. Valerian S. Feineis-Mathews C. Wilker
23 Initial Results of a Continuous Intervention Program for Children with ASD
S. Kotsopoulos I. Florou A. Georgiou M. Gyftogianni A. Kotsopoulos G. Touliatos A. Troupou
28 Peer-Mediated Intervention in Young Children with Autism: Stay, Play, Talk
A. B. Barber R. W. Saffo L. D. Craft H. Goldstein