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Social and Adaptive Functioning

This session examines core deficits in social skills and adaptive behavior focusing on the specificity of these symptoms to ASD, changes across the lifespan, and relation to intellectual functioning.
Saturday, 4 May 2013: 10:30-12:30
Meeting Room 4-5 (Kursaal Centre)
Virtual Social-Attention, Anxiety and ADHD in Older Children with ASD
P. C. Mundy W. Jarrold J. Bailenson M. Gwaltney N. McIntyre N. V. Hatt M. Solomon K. Kim
Longitudinal Trajectory of Adaptive Behavior in Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome
C. Klaiman B. Jo A. A. Lightbody L. C. Chromik A. L. Reiss
Relationship Between Adaptive Functioning and Autism Symptom Severity
C. Montiel-Nava Z. Gonzalez J. A. Chacin J. Pena E. Solís