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Females With ASD

This year’s theme is "Defining the ASD Phenotype in Females". We will have a diverse panel of speakers who will each give brief (5 minute) talks outlining their particular view on how to move forward research on females with ASD. These short talks are designed to stimulate discussion: most of the session will be dedicated to group interaction and exchange of ideas. We believe that this will allow the members of the SIG to negotiate a consensus about the best way to move our understanding of the female ASD phenotype forward. Our aim is for the SIG to have a life that is not confined to the annual IMFAR meeting. To this end we have set up a new blog dedicated to the SIG which you can visit at We cordially invite people to read and comment on the blog, to foster independent connections and networks amongst people interested in understanding ASD in females. We will summarize SIG ideas from the 2013 IMFAR meeting and blog discussions in a review paper, setting out what is known about ASD in females, and outlining potentially fruitful strategies for future research.
Friday, 3 May 2013: 07:30-09:00
Meeting Room 1-2 (Kursaal Centre)
A. M. Head and W. Mandy